Albert Glatz Tobacco Shop
Site of the first tobacconist in Rome (Lititz), Pennsylvania
1765 - Present

Preserved for the people in the County of Lancaster, in The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and the United States of America in 2010.

Our Future Projects - happening currently


Our Vision

A 10¢ Tour

Future Projects


About Ned, Michlle
and the

Old Rome

about Lititz

Project 2011 - Carrige House

In order to start any project, you must first determine what needs doing. For Ned and Michelle there wasn't much debate that something needed doing with the barn at the back of the property.

Where we began... A cinderblock building with a door, boarded windows, and a garage door at a steep bank. Not the most attractive feature of our property. Ready for demolition! The bobcat moved in and took down the eyesore in about 20 minutes. Moved the earth, dug up the flowers.

End of week two -
Footers pored, block set. Nice view of the neighbors to the back.

End of week two -
Landscape in progress. No more cliff to climb. We will actually be able to drive a car into the horseless-carriage house!

Thursday - week three
Carriage house is safely under roof. Now we will get to siding, and windows soon. Let it rain, let it rain. The tomato plants could really use it!

What a pretty roofline! Check out the pile of lumber ~ that would be our siding. Cedar shake for the roof arrived early in the day; boy, quite a pile of them.

Weeks 4 and 5
The windows and doors not only arrived but are installed. Progression is a bit slower now as we are getting to the details.

Weeks 4 and 5
The south side of the building is completely sided except for a few battan strips. Michelle remembers when she thought she wanted solid window here to collect all the sunshine, but not now. She is happy with the historic look so it all works out!

Our project for 2011 is complete 8/31/11. Now we need to save for the next project and finish this website.
Visit again to see what will be next.