Albert Glatz Tobacco Shop
Site of the first tobacconist in Rome (Lititz), Pennsylvania
1765 - Present

Preserved for the people in the County of Lancaster, in The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and the United States of America in 2010.

Preservation and It's Importance


Our Vision

A 10¢ Tour

Future Projects


About Ned, Michlle and
the 4-Leggeds

Old Rome Norwich Terrier(s)

about Lititz

Why Should We Preserve Historic Places?

If we wish to have a future with greater meaning, we must concern ourselves with the total heritage of our nation. Discover all that is worth preserving from our past and incorporate this history into a living part of the present. Therefore, we preserve, restore and, when necessary, rebuild the physical structures and cultural heritage of our historical past.

There are a variety of programs to identify and assist in preserving historic properties as living parts of communities, states, and the nation. In 1992, the U.S. Congress reaffirmed the reasons for enacting these programs:
1. The spirit and direction of the nation are founded upon and reflected in its historic heritage.
2. The historical and cultural foundations of the nation should be preserved as a living part of our community life and development in order to give a sense of orientation to the American people.
3. Historic properties significant to the nation's heritage are being lost or substantially altered, often inadvertently, with increasing frequency.
4. The preservation of this irreplaceable heritage is in the public interest so that its vital legacy of cultural, educational, aesthetic, inspirational, economic, and energy benefits will be maintained and enriched for future generations of Americans.

U.S. Department of the Interior
National Park Service
National Register of Historic Places
Determinations of Eligibility for Listing in the National Register of Historic Place
Visit here: National Register

Established under the Historic Preservation Act of 1966, as amended, the national historic preservation program is a partnership between the Federal, State, and local governments; private, non-profit organizations; and the public. The Act and its provisions establish the framework within which citizens plan, identify, evaluate, register, and protect significant historic and archeological properties throughout the Nation.

The National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 assigns the National Register of Historic Places a central role in recognizing buildings, sites, districts, structures, and objects significant in American history, archeology, architecture, engineering, or culture, and identifying them as worthy of preservation. Anyone can prepare a nomination to the National Register, working with the State Historic Preservation Officer (SHPO) in their State. State and Federal Historic Preservation Officers (FPOs) also survey and evaluate properties in their jurisdictions, determine which of these properties are eligible for listing, and prepare nominations to the Register. Nominations submitted through the States must first be approved by a Review Board appointed by the Governor before being reviewed by the National Register staff. If the professional staff at the National Register concludes that the property meets the criteria for evaluation, it is recommended for listing to the Keeper of the National Register.

• Listing in the National Register honors the property by recognizing its importance to its community, State, or the Nation.
• Private property owners can do anything they wish with their property, provided that no Federal license, permit, or funding is involved.
• Owners have no obligation to open their properties to the public, to restore them, or even to maintain them, if they choose not to do so.
• Federal agencies whose projects affect a listed property must give the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation an opportunity to comment on the project and its effects on the property.
• Owners of listed properties may be able to obtain Federal historic preservation funding, when funds are available. In addition, Federal investment tax credits for rehabilitation and other provisions may apply.